Ask an advisor: Why work with an advisor?

Learn the benefits of working with an advisor to help build a financial plan for your future.



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Description: This animated video introduces two characters named Lauren and Amina and illustrated graphics to show how an advisor can help create a financial plan to reach your goals.

Text “Ask an advisor” appears. The camera zooms out as the text lands in an outlined square. “Why work with an advisor?” fades in below. An illustration of a handshake draws on the right side of the frame.

Lauren: I could buy my insurance and investments online. Why should I work with an advisor?

Description: Lauren sits outside at a café table with a lemonade in front of her.

Amina: My advisor sees the big picture of how all my finances fit together.

Description: Cut to show both Lauren and Amina sitting at the table.

Amina: I might miss something important doing it myself.

Description: The frame fades to reveal various graphics representing a new pet, life insurance, marriage, estate planning, new home, luxury car, speed boat, health coverage, travel and cottage.

Amina: There’s a plan to achieve all my goals,

Description: A line enters the frame to select Lauren’s goals: life insurance, a new home, health coverage and a cottage. All other graphics fade away.

Amina: even when new ones pop-up.

Description: The advisor’s hand moves into the frame to add a travel goal.

Amina: If something unexpected happens in the economy or the markets, I won’t freak out thinking I have to change or fix something.

Description: The line and goals move up and down to represent a shifting stock market.

Amina: My advisor updates me regularly, so I feel confident I’m on track.

Description: Amina’s hand moved into frame, holding her phone. A notification appears on her phone with a mail icon that reads: “New message.

Amina: With an advisor, my financial future is one less thing I need to worry about.

Description: Cut back to Amina sitting at the table, showing Lauren her phone.

Text “Let’s talk. Contact me today.” appears with legal line: “Video produced by Canada Life. 1-204-946-1190”

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